Restaurant MOTA. Claus Henriksens nye Michelinrestaurant i Anneberg Kulturpark ved Nykøbing Sjælland, Odsherred.

Welcome to my world and welcome to
restaurant MOTA in Anneberg Kulturpark.

With one food solid plantet in the furtile soil of Odsherred and
the other in the crystal clear water of Isefjorden, restaurant MOTA has
local and sustainable raw materials as an indisputable part of our DNA.
Surrounded by forest and fields, with the fjord as a neighbor
and local food producers as friends of the house, we live
and breathe the local terroir.


Restaurant MOTA rykker teltpælene op i Annebergkulturpark og rykker i efteråret til København i Fiskerizakajaens lokaler på Smedetoften 25, 2400 København NV.
Fra d. 1. november og til og med d. 14. december.

At MOTA, respect for the raw materials is the starting point for our
approach to the gastronomy. Everything we pick, gather, harvest or dive for
has a right in itself. Curiosity and playfulness,
eternal development and the pursuit of perfection is what drives us.
Giving our guests an unforgettable experience is what
it all makes sense.

– Claus Henriksen